How to register your child for the upcoming school year.
Are you new to School District #29? Are you wondering how to register your child for school? It is easy — just follow the directions listed below.
Steps for registering:
1. Contact one of the following people. Make an appointment to register.
For K-5 students, contact Doreen Gulizia, secretary at Calvert Elementary — 274-4129, or email her at
For Grades 6-8 students, contact Miranda Decker, secretary in the Auburn Middle School office — 274-4328, ext. 310 or email her at to make an appointment with Auburn Middle School counselor, Sara Toedman.
For Grades 9-12 students, call or email Lexi Baack, APS registration secretary, to make arrangements to meet with Mrs. Kristin Kudrna, AHS counselor (AHS Phone: 274-4328 Ext. 315; Email:
Nebraska State law requires new registrants to provide:
a. a copy of the child’s birth certificate,
b. record of shots (See Health Information Policies and Procedures by clicking on the following link.)
c. proof of receiving a physical if your child is new to Nebraska, a Kindergarten student, or a 7th grader.
d. All Kindergarten children are also required to provide proof of receiving an eye exam.
3. If you have a copy of transcripts, IEP’s, or any other information that is relevant to the child’s education, please bring copies of these documents.
Children are eligible to enroll in Kindergarten if they are five years old on or before JULY 31. State law requires children to enroll in school if they are six years of age or older.
Once your child enrollment is processed. Please bring the following items to Calvert's Elementary Office:
1) Copy of child’s original birth certificate
2) Copy of current immunizations
Additional informational items for Kindergarten entry will be provided at the registration. Please feel free to call the Calvert Elementary office with your questions and/or concerns at 274-4129.