Auburn Middle School provides quality instruction for students in grades 6-8. These students receive instruction in all core areas (i.e. reading, English, mathematics, and social studies) as well as a variety of exploratory classes (e.g. music, art, keyboarding, family consumer science, industrial technology, agriculture education, etc.) Learning and social needs of ALL students are addressed with differentiated instruction as well as varied learning opportunities for High Ability Learners (HAL) and students with special needs. Social and academic skills are addressed in the school’s daily student/teacher advisory program called Student Family. Each student family includes a teacher advisor and 12-15 students. An extracurricular program includes team sports, HAL summer andSaturday camps, regional science contests, and Peru State College Social Studies Fair.

Auburn High School provides a comprehensive academic and extra-curricular program for approximately 250 students in grades 9-12. Quality instruction is provided in core curriculum (i.e., English, math, science and social studies), advanced college preparatory courses, as well as career/technical education and fine arts classes. Additionally, AHS students may enroll in on-line, college dual credit, and Advanced Placement (AP) offerings. The school’s commitment to excellence is clearly evident in statewide assessments and ACT scores; student mastery levels are well above state averages. In an effort to bring balance and well-being into students’ lives, students may participate in a wide array of activities, clubs, academic competitions, and athletics.