If you are experiencing a crisis and need immediate assistance or information, you can use these resources 24/7:
833-980-SAFE (7233) www.Safe2HelpNE.org 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Struggling with depression, anxiety, bullying or anything else – reach out day/night and speak to a trained crisis counselor.
Parents/Caregivers, Staff and Community Members can also use the Safe Schools hotline to report unsafe behavior.
Raising kids is hard. The Nebraska Family Helpline is here to help.
It's OK to ask for advice
Resources for parents & families available 24/7
Believe in Yourself
1 Minute
Positive Affirmations for Kids
Calvert Elementary Safety Response Protocol (SRP)
We all want school to be a safe place. You play an important role in this effort.
You can make a positive difference by reporting concerns about dangerous or troubling behavior.