Auburn Public Schools strives to provide a safe and secure environment for all students and staff members. The Board of Education, administration, and staff are dedicated to that purpose.
Auburn Public Schools has adopted the “I Love You Guys” standard response protocol (SRP). SRP has proven to save lives when utilized in crisis situations. All APS staff have been trained the use of SRP. At its core, SRP provides a common language so students, staff, and administrators can quickly and effectively communicate and react to a crisis situation.
In an emergency take action.
HOLD! In your room or area. Clear the halls.
Clear the hallways and remain in room or area until the "All Clear" is announced
Do business as usual
Close and lock the door
Account for students and adults
Do business as usual
SECURE! Get inside. Lock outside doors.
Return to inside of the building
Do business as usual
Bring everyone indoors
Lock outside doors
Increase situational awareness
Account for students and adults
Do business as usual
LOCKDOWN! Lock, lights, out of sight.
Move away from sight
Maintain silence
Do not open door
Recover students from hallway if possible
Lock the classroom door
Turn out the lights
Move away from sight
Maintain silence
Do no open the door
Prepare to evade or defen
EVACUATE! (A location may be specified.)
Leave stuff behind if required to
If possible, bring your phone
Follow instructions
Lead students to Evacuation location
Account for students and adults
Notify if missing, extra or injured students or adults
SHELTER! Hazard and safety strategy.
Use appropriate safety strategy for the hazard
Lead Safety Strategy
Account for students and adults
Notify if missing, extra or injured students or adults
Hazard-Safety Strategy
Tornado-Evacuate to shelter area
Hazmat-Seal the room
Earthquake-Drop, cover and hold
Tsunami-Get to high ground
Once admitted to the building, a visitor report to the office. If the visitor wishes to go beyond the office, they will be required to provide a government-issued ID. This ID will be run through the school’s ID System. Once cleared the system will print a temporary ID badge for the visitor.
The exterior doors at all Auburn Public Schools sites are locked 15 minutes after the start of school and are reopened at the end of school. Visitors wishing to enter the building during the school day must go to the main door at that building and “buzz in” to the secretary. Visitors must state their name and purpose for their visit. Once admitted, they must report to the office to be cleared.
Before and after school entrances are supervised by school personnel.
All interior doors have been installed with intruder locks. Intruder locks are locks that can be locked from the inside with any APS key. For those areas that require additional security features, barracuda door stops have been purchased.
Auburn Public Schools has a continuous plan in place to provide safety training to our staff. In addition, APS works closely with local police and first responders to ensure that lines of communication are open and all procedures are approved.
Auburn also conducts several drills with students throughout the school year. These drills include:
Bus Evacuation
Lockdown and Lockout Drills
Evacuation to an off-site location
SPR Guide to Nationwide School Safety
The “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is used in over 30,000 schools nationwide to guide their school safety programs, helping train for and respond to a variety of school crises. The SRP 2021 contains several critical updates based on evidence and data gathered in the field.
2021 Updates to the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) for School Safety