Student Packet Information
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Packet Information
Here is the access code for ABCmouse Early Learning Academy Grades 2-8
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
UBeats is an interactive learning module for science, grades 6-12.
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
The Nebraska Department of Education has a Read at Home Plan for parents. It's a great resource. You can access it using this link
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
NDE Read at Home
APS Band Students! All bands were invited to a google classroom through their apsbulldogs email. Mr. Stubbs will be posting resources you can use, one of which is smartmusic. More information is provided in the google classroom about how to create your account for smartmusic.
almost 5 years ago, Matt Stubbs
Kindergarten registration is happening today, March 18th at Calvert Elementary, 7:30am-5:00pm!
almost 5 years ago, Breanne Poston
Parents, Khan Academy has created sample schedules for children of all ages for you to follow while school is closed. They are excellent tools!
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Here is a list of math activities for learning at home.
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Our school counselors will continue to be available to students and parents while school is closed. We want to continue to support you during this difficult time. Please feel free to reach out to them via email. Our Students . . . Our Future! #TheBulldogWay
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Boys Town has excellent resources for parents to help their children cope with the coronavirus. The site has a sample schedule for parents to follow while school is closed.
almost 5 years ago, Suzanne Whisler
Learning without Tears is offering families free resources for grades PK-5.
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Newsela offers free nonfiction articles on a variety of topics for grades 3-12.
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
The Smithsonian has fun stuff for kids online.
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Smithsonian Online
Here's a list of free apps and websites for learning.
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Free apps and websites
Mystery Science is a wonderful site for engaging and hands on science lessons. They are offering free science lessons for parents.
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Mystery Science
School Closure Sack Breakfast/Lunch Pickup Program
almost 5 years ago, Danielle Henderson
Lunch/ Breakfast Program
Any fans wishing to purchase State Basketball Tournament apparel can do so by visiting the link below. Shipping is free. Go Bulldogs!!
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Free resources to support learning at home. Our Children . . . Our Future! #TheBulldogWay
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Learning at Home
60 Best Websites for Learning about Math Our Children . . . Our Future! #TheBulldogWay
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Wow, Eureka Math has free curriculum and materials for grades PK-12. You can access the materials using this link Our Children . . . Our Future! #TheBulldogWay
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Eureka Math