Bennett the dog is all dressed up for valentine's day!
almost 5 years ago, Stanley Vak
Teachers new to the district met today to discuss the topic of motivating and inspiring students.
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
New staffThe
The Bulldogs split tonight with the Syracuse Rockets. The girls dropped a tough one to a good Syracuse team. The boys earned the victory in the final game of the night. The teams will play host to Lincoln Luth. on Thursday. Thurs. will also be Parent/Guardian night. Go Bulldogs!!
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
BBB vs Syracuse
BBB vs Syracuse 1
GBB vs Syracuse 1
GBB vs Syracuse
A huge thank you and thanks to Union Bank and Trust for their donation to the Auburn Public Schools. The donation was made after a half time basketball shot attempt by Auburn Principal Mr. Hughes at the basketball game against Syracuse this evening. #thebulldogway
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Union Bank and Trust Donation
Today the foods 2 class made peanut butter cookies on the quest to find/make the world's best cookie.
almost 5 years ago, Stanley Vak
Post Prom Taco Bar
almost 5 years ago, Julie Lambert
taco bar information
NHS members tearing down after the induction ceremony.
almost 5 years ago, Joshua Barker
NHS students
6th graders at SAN Honors Choir
almost 5 years ago, Mary Stukenholtz
Can you spot our singers??
Mrs Martin lending her talents to the SAN choir performance...
Can you spot our singers?
Can you spot our singers??
Sophomores: to help the NSAA will proposed law changes, attend sportsmanship and leadership summits? Apply to the NSAA Student Advisory Committee. Criteria: Must be a current sophomore, have a GPA of at least 3.0, have shown leadership on activity/athletic teams. Pick up an application in the counseling officer for this activity: Deadline is Feb 26.
almost 5 years ago, Kristin Kudrna
The APS Junior High Girls Basketball team took victories at HTRS today winning the A game 42-8 and the B game 18-14. #thebulldogway
almost 5 years ago, Marty Hughes
APS Junior High Girls Basketball
The 2020 National Honor Society Members
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
2020 National Honor Society Members
Congrats to the 2020 Auburn High School National Honor Society inductees! #thebulldogway
almost 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
2020 National Honor Society inductees.
We are gearing up for our next podcast. This podcast will feature Roth and Ollie talking about the Australian Wildfires followed by a section about teachers asked the question how did you know.
almost 5 years ago, Stanley Vak
Podcast Recording
Another awesome APS welding project completed! Can you guess what it is?
almost 5 years ago, Marty Hughes
APS welding!
Get your “Bulldog Way” apparel on sale this week during the home basketball games this week!
almost 5 years ago, Marty Hughes
“The Bulldog Way” apparel is on sale!
The AHS Symphonic Band was selected to perform as part of the NMEA Capitol Concert Series. The band will perform at the state Capitol on 2/24 @12:00 PM. Great job band!
almost 5 years ago, Matt Stubbs
Auburn Band
Yearbook Sales
almost 5 years ago, Julie Lambert
Yearbook pricing
Rhythm in Red at UNO Feb 5
almost 5 years ago, Mary Stukenholtz
Warm up room...
Thanks, captains Lainey and Callahan!
3rd Place Division B
Junior Law Cadet Program is offered thru the American Legion. Juniors may apply for this week long camp that is held in Grand Island-June 22-25. Students must possess a valid Nebraska driver's license to apply. Applications may be picked up in counseling office.
almost 5 years ago, Kristin Kudrna
Congratulations to your ECNC Tournament Champions!! Outstanding effort by these BULLDOGS!! Great team win!! Go Bulldogs!! #theBULLDOGway
almost 5 years ago, Jason Palmer
BBB vs Yutan 2
BBB vs Yutan
BBB vs Yutan 1