The Lady Bulldog Softball Team is in action today at the Falls City Tournament. Go Bulldogs!! #theBULLDOGway

The Bulldogs fought tough tonight at Milford but end up losing 34-20. The Bulldogs will host Omaha Concordia next week. Go Bulldogs!!

Congrats to the high school cross country team yesterday as they placed 6 total runners at a tough Pius Invitational.
Faith Allgood placed 14th overall
Kyra Becker placed 20th
Bethany Kiekel 23rd
Alyssa Mather 30th
Hayden Hall 22nd
Triston Perry 23rd
Great job everyone!

Art club enjoyed painting with residents at Longs Creek Village this week.

The Lady Bulldog Volleyball Team loses on the road tonight in four sets to Johnson-Brock. The girls will be back in action on Tuesday at home. Go Bulldogs!

We had a surprise guest speaker today from Striv in Digital Media 1 & 2! Students heard about tons of opportunities beyond just live streaming events. Thanks @StrivTV, @StrivSports and @allgood_eric

We had a surprise guest speaker today from Striv in Digital Media 1 & 2! Students heard about tons of opportunities beyond just live streaming events. Thanks @StrivTV, @StrivSports and @allgood_eric

Middle School Band did a great job today in the Richardson County Fair Parade!

The Lady Bulldog Softball Team will be in action on Saturday in Falls City's tournament. The girls will open up against Conestoga at 9:00 AM. Go Bulldogs!! #TheBulldogWay

Fine Arts Booster Meeting has been moved from September 17th to November 5th at 6:30 PM. All are welcome to attend. We will discuss plans for the Spaghetti Feed happening on December 9th.

Congrats to the 2019 AHS Homecoming Court! Coronation will take place at 1/2 time of FB game on the 20th.

Congrats to the 2019 AHS Homecoming Court! Coronation will take place at 1/2 time of FB game on the 20th.

School pictures are scheduled for September 17 at Calvert and September 18 at AMS/AHS.

AHS Spirit Week Days

Congratulations to the Auburn softball team! Tournament champions! Photo credit Katy Billings

Come on out to the Auburn City Rec. Complex today to support Bulldog Softball as they compete in Auburn Invite. Go Bulldogs!! #TheBulldogWay

The Bulldogs lose a tough on the road tonight to Fort Calhoun. The final score was 20-13. The Bulldogs will be back in action again next Friday at Milford. Go Bulldogs!

Auburn softball had a big win against Falls City winning 13-1 in three innings but falling short to Freeman 7-3. Congratulations players and coaches!! #thebulldogdway

Due to the short week since Labor Day weekend, the We Are Auburn shirt order deadline has been extended to Friday. Please turn your order in ASAP!

AHS art students are sharing their skills with the students in the after school program.