We are live streaming the varsity volleyball game tonight! Catch it at 7 pm on our Striv channel- Striv.tv/auburn
over 5 years ago, Sarah Hanika
The We Are Auburn shirt order form is available in the MS office or HS office or is attached below.
over 5 years ago, Julie Lambert
order form
We Are Auburn shirts orders are due in the media center on Wednesday.
over 5 years ago, Julie Lambert
WE ARE AUBURN tshirt Logo.
Tonight at 6:30pm in the High School Media Center, all parents are invited to learn more about #TheBulldogWay. Spread the word!
over 5 years ago, Kalie Carfield
#TheBulldogWay...What is it? Why is it important to our school and community? Parents, this is your chance to have all your questions answered. Join us on Tuesday, September 3 at 6:30pm in the High School Media Center to learn more about The Bulldog Way.
over 5 years ago, Kalie Carfield
We look forward to seeing lots of parents tomorrow for our informational session about The Bulldog Way. We'll see you tomorrow in the Media Center at 6:30pm!
over 5 years ago, Kalie Carfield
Parents, are you curious to learn more about #TheBulldogWay? Come see what it's all about on Tuesday, September 3 at 6:30pm in the High School Media Center. The Navy SEALs will be there to help present.
over 5 years ago, Kalie Carfield
How lucky are the 4th Graders that Nate Powell comes to read to us every Friday? They love Mr. Nate, and he is so entertaining! Thanks for all you do to help our learners!
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Erin Teten
Mr. Nate reading to 4th grade!
Mr. Nate reading to 4th grade!
Mr. Nate Reading to 4th grade!
over 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Both teams are preparing for kickoff tonight! The Bulldogs and the Jeffs square off at 7:00 PM. Go Bulldogs! #theBULLDOGway
over 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Football game warm-up
Parents are invited to learn about #TheBulldogWay on Tuesday, September 3 at 6:30pm in the High School Media Center. We hope to see you there!
over 5 years ago, Kalie Carfield
We had a great cross country meet at the Auburn Country Club! We brought home 20 medals and the varsity girls and middle school girls champion plaques! Thank you to everyone that volunteered!
over 5 years ago, Ashton Bohling
Varsity Girls Champions
I didn't get to snap a photo of our boys teams but the high schools boys brought home 3rd place and the middle school boys brought home 2nd place!
over 5 years ago, Ashton Bohling
The Lady Bulldog Volleyball Team lost a tight one tonight at Louisville. The girls will be back in action on Tuesday at home against Elmwood-Murdock. Go Bulldogs!!
over 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Bulldogs vs Lions 3
Bulldogs vs Lions
Bulldogs vs Lions 2
Great turnout tonight for the 5th grade band meeting and rental night! You can still get involved in band if you missed the meeting. Contact Mr. Stubbs at the high school or at matthew.stubbs@apsbulldogs.org for more info!
over 5 years ago, Matt Stubbs
Great start to the year, Rhythm in Red. I love your commitment! Kayleigh Schadwinkel is getting us off to an exciting start... First school concert...oct 22 First competition...oct 23 Woot! Woot!
over 5 years ago, Mary Stukenholtz
R in R
Good luck to all the BULLDOGS competing tonight in all of the events. CC @ Home Invite, SB @ Home vs CCC, VB @ Louisville. Let's go BULLDOGS!! #theBULLDOGway
over 5 years ago, Jason Palmer
Tomorrow night's Football game v. Fairbury will be live streamed on striv.tv/auburn Go Bulldogs!
over 5 years ago, Sarah Hanika
The safety of our students is a top priority at Auburn Public Schools. We request that PreK-5 students sit with parents/guardians at all APS sporting events to ensure their safety. Unsupervised students will be directed to return to their parents/guardians. Thank you for helping us create an environment where everyone can enjoy athletic events safely.
over 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Engaging students in retrieval practice with technology.
over 5 years ago, Suzanne Whisler