The FFA Milk Quality & Products team competed in Grand Island today!
over 5 years ago, Ashton Bohling
Milk Quality & Products Judging Team in Grand Island today!
#CareerReadinessIs being able to communicate. #CareerReadinessIs being prepared to work to your fullest potential with a variety of people.
over 5 years ago, Maranda Gerdes
Careers/Personal Finance classes tweeted out...
APS is getting ready to kick off our MAP Growth Testing next week! Here are some helpful tips.
over 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
What an amazing first week! Love my job!! Thank you Calvert PTO for an awesome party to celebrate the new year!!
over 5 years ago, Amber Meyer
Miss the volleyball game last night? No problem. Watch the game on-demand.
over 5 years ago, Hope Kieler
Live streaming our first game! Watch at
over 5 years ago, Sarah Hanika
Students striving
The Lady Bulldogs are in action tonight at Malcolm! #theBULLDOGway
over 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
Softball @ Malcolm
5th Grand Band instrument testing started this week! All students will get the chance to try instruments out. There is a 5th grade band meeting and rental night on Thursday August 29th at 6:30 PM in the High School Band Room for any student interested in joining!
over 5 years ago, Matt Stubbs
Who’s teaching who? Students are showing guests how to code. Thanks ADC for hosting the Coding Camp this summer.
over 5 years ago, Suzanne Whisler
2018-2019 Yearbooks are available for pickup. Graduates are in the upstairs office. Other students can pick the books up in the Media Center.
over 5 years ago, Julie Lambert
Junior High Football Parents. Gear checkout and concussion testing has been moved to Tuesday the 20th. We will begin practice on Wednesday the 21st.
over 5 years ago, Nathan Bianchi
Rhythm in Red working hard this weekend!
over 5 years ago, Mary Stukenholtz
R in R
R in R
R in R
R in R
What an amazing first day!! Calvert kiddos are the best!!
over 5 years ago, Amber Meyer
We ❤️ our Calvert morning greeter!!!
over 5 years ago, Breanne Poston
We ❤️ our Calvert morning greeter!!!
Absolutely awesome first day! It’s going to be a great year in Bulldog Country! #TheBulldogWay
over 5 years ago, Nathan Bianchi
First day smiles!
over 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
It’s a great day to be a bulldog! Welcome back to all of our amazing students!
over 5 years ago, Auburn Public Schools
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! 🎉 Make it the best year yet!
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Nicole Dunn
Looking forward to another awesome year of being a BULLDOG! #FantasticFourthGrade
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Erin Teten
I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!! #3rdgraderocks!!
over 5 years ago, Amber Meyer